Well, as i said before, I don't know if i'm ever going to upload one of my flashes to newgrounds. Though i do have plans of uploading them/some to youtube. And BTW, Thanks for the help all you guys gave me when i were having problems in my last letter.
Cuz now i do know were to get sound (flashkit and findsounds). i still have some problems with
how to get them when i'm on the site but i did get some sounds from findsounds at least. And
AudaCity works great when recording sounds but it was a little hard to get it at first but when i understood that you should download that LAME thing (HA! get it? no, i suck at jokes..) things were going better if it wasn't of course for my bad voice and acting skills...
You might have seen that my picture in this page have changed but it still sux though.
I haven't tried to change my icon picture since it failed last time i tried but i should try sooner or later.
I don't have any better ideas than that toxic can with the fox on it but i'd be grateful if any of you had
any ideas to send me. And of course, if you have a better idea for my page image, I'd really like if
you chared your thoughts with me.
Thanks for taking your time, reading my crappy letters! I really like it that way :) When i'm done with my flash films, i'll post it right up and you'll be able to watch it on Youtube! And when you do,
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